SCP: Containment is Magic Wiki
  • Item: SCP-2682
  • Class KETER - CLASS A

Special Containment Procedures:[]

SCP-2682 must be destroyed as soon as possible.

At this time, no means available to SCP teams are capable of destroying SCP-2682, only able to cause massive physical damage.

SCP-2682 should be contained within a standard pony chamber with 250 cm reinforced acid-resistant steel plate lining all inside surfaces.

The containment chamber should be filled with hydrochloric acid until SCP-2682 is submerged and incapacitated. Any attempts of SCP-2682 to breach containment should be reacted to quickly and with full force as called for by the circumstances.

Personnel are careful when speaking to SCP-2682, for fear of provoking a containment breach.

All unauthorized personnel attempting to communicate to SCP-2682 will be restrained and removed by force.

Due to its frequent attempts at containment breach, difficulty of containment and incapacitation, and high threat of Foundation Exposure, SCP-2682 is to be contained in site [REDACTED].

The Foundation will use the best of its resources to maintain all land within  Nine hundred fifty (950) kilometers clear of pony development.

In case of containment breach:[]

Metal-Gear-Pony is to be notified and only allowed to engage SCP-2682.

Containment Breachs[]

To date (██-██-████), attempted breaches have numbered at seven (7), while successful breaches have numbered at one (1).

Why must SCP-2682 be destroyed?[]

If SCP-2862 escapes the facility and starts killing ponies, the Foundation's existance will be revealed.

Also if SCP-2682 breeds more SCP-2682's you can kiss the world goodbye. (AKA a XNeigh end-of-world event).


SCP-2682 (███████) is a sixteen (16) year old Pegaus colt approximately 1.6 meters in height and ██ kilograms in weight.

He responds mainly to his own name and barely acknowledges his SCP designation but is sometimes tricked into responding.

He was born after breach event [RETRACTED] when SCP-XXXX-X and SCP-XXX-X met.

(See report MGP-CB-REPORT for details of the orgins of SCP-2682)

It appears to be extremely intelligent.

SCP-2682 appears to have a hatred of all life, which has been expressed in several interviews during containment.

SCP-2682 has always been observed to have extremely high strength, speed, and reflexes, though exact levels vary with  temper.

SCP-2682 gains energy from anything it ingests, organic or inorganic.

Digestion seems to be aided by a set of filtering gills inside of SCP-2682's nostrils, which are able to remove usable matter from any liquid solution, enabling it to constantly regenerate from the acid it is contained in.

SCP-2682 regenerative capabilities and resilience are staggering, and SCP-2682 has been seen moving and speaking with its body 90% injured.


SCP-2682 is now assigned to MTF Thundershock - See Document 7HUND3R5H0CK.

"SCP-2682 assigned to MTF Thundershock! That is the baddest idea in Equestrian history.... I'm actually surprised the P1 agreed to this." - Pony Dragon

