SCP: Containment is Magic Wiki
Stalker no

Name: Balthasar

Item: SCP-666

Object Class: Safe/Posible Euclid

Gender: Unknown

Weapon of choice: His pyromanic powers

Equipment: Scrolls, rune stones and lot of magic items from his home dimension.

Security Clearence: level 1

Special Containment Procedures[]

If not on a Mission, SCP-666 must be kept in a 30x30x30 foot big iron cell at all times, with no flamable items in 30 foot distance. Also, Subject should not encounter any other subject/persons excluding its team members.


Balthasar is a Hellspawn- a hellish unicorn with red color, red changeling-like red eyes, broken unicorn horn and two black hell horns. Currently a member of MTF RD Team 666, Balthasar is a "Communication Medium", using his powers to identify, secure, or inform the subject about current situation, and order it to return to it's cell.


  • Pyromania (ability to set on fire anything in 30 foot radius)
  • Ability to feel the strength/powers of a SCP Subject, and therefore guess Subject Class
  • Ability to mentally communicate with living beings, and give them orders (but he can't fully control his target)

Recruitment into MTF RD Team 0666[]

SCP-666 was recruited into team 0666 by Stalker no.0099 after the incident H33L5P4WN5
